Angola, March 2025
Elaboration of National Rice Development Strategy and Concept Notes
In Angola, rice is the most widely consumed cereal after maize and is closely associated with food and nutritional security. The country has a rich river basin, good soil, and good climate conditions for growing rice. However, 90% of its supply is imported. National rice production stood at 48,340 tons in 2024, with small scale farmers producing 13,302 tons and commercial farmers producing 35,038 tons. In the same period, the country imported 270,000 tons of white rice.
Considering rice’s potential to strengthen food security, substantially reduce the use of foreign currency for imports, and provide employment and income, this crop is one of the government’s strategic priorities for the agricultural sector.
During the period 2013-2019, Angola implemented the Rice Development Project (PDCAA 2013-2019), with the support of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in the provinces of Huambo and Bié, which helped to select suitable varieties, train technicians and farmers, develop a technological package and culminated in the drafting of the National Rice Development Strategy (ENDA 1) for the period 2018 to 2022. However, although the document was drawn up, it was not subject to appropriation by the high authorities and could not be implemented, and its targets were not achieved. Now that ENDA 1 has expired, it is necessary to update it and move on to ENDA 2, which is expected to be implemented in the 2025-2030 period with the main goal of producing 100,000 tons of paddy rice by 2030.
The working week (WW) was organized at Continental Hotel in Luanda, during the 2nd week of March (3rd -7th). It was attended by participants from the public and private sectors (Agricultural Development Institute (IDA), Agronomic Research Institute (IIA), Studies, Planning & Statistics Office (GEPE), National Seed Service (SENSE), National Farmers’ Union of Angola (UNACA), who contributed with their views on the future of the development of the rice sub-sector.
After the opening remarks by the Focal Point (FP), and the CARD Technical Coordinator, the reporter presented the overview of the CARD Initiative. This was followed by the presentation of the draft ʺDraft National Rice Development Strategy 2 (ENDA 2) previously prepared by the Task Forceʺ.
As a follow-up, the CARD Technical Coordinator made a detailed presentation of the Sub-Sector Intervention Elements Matrix (SIEM) as means to facilitate the understanding of participants and for an informed basis for the elaboration of the Concept Notes.
Closing Remarks and Way Forward
At the end of the WW, the participants agreed that the proposed documents (both ENDA 2 and Draft C/N) need additional work before moving to the validation process. As such, a second WW was proposed to take place from the 21st to the 25th April, 2025. The proposed schedule for the next steps is as follows:
No | Action | Timing | Responsible |
1 | Compile information on ongoing rice projects | March 31st , 2025 | TF |
2 | 2nd WW to complete and validate ENDA 2 (Draft-Zero) and respective C/N by the TF | April 21st to 25th | TF |
3 | Submission of draft Zero to GEPE | May 9th, 2025 | IDA |
4 | Sharing with other Directorates within MINAGRIF | May 14th 2025 | GEPE |
5 | Final validation of ENDA 2 and sharing of NC by Development Partners | June 26th, 2025 | MINAGRIF |
6 | Meeting with Partners for Funds Mobilization | June 27th, 2025 | MINAGRIF |
Discussion with Development Partners
On the second day of the workshop, CARD members had an informal gathering with some Development Partners active in Angola, namely IFAD, AfDB and JICA (including the FP) where the overview of CARD was provided and the participants showed strong interest in supporting the ENDA 2 once completed and available.
Courtesy meeting with the Secretary of State for Agriculture and Livestock
On the 4th day (March 6, 2025) of the workshop, the working team accompanied by JICA Officers and MINAGRIF Staff was received by the Secretary of State for Agriculture and Livestock for debriefing on the progress of elaboration of the ENDA 2 and guidance for next steps. During the meeting, the CARD members provided the overview of its nature and modus operand including the elaboration of Concept Notes as tool approach Development Partners for funds raising viz a vis the implementation of the Rice Strategy.
In his turn, the Secretary of State, reiterated the importance of rice as strategic crop in the agricultural priorities of the government of Angola and urged the team to finalize the document to make sure it can be used for the planning of the next agricultural season 2025-2026. He also acknowledged the need to speed up the process of affiliation of Angola as a formal member of the Coalition for African Rice Development as a means of enhanced food security, capacity building, and access to resources and expertise, ultimately contributing to a more resilient and prosperous rice sector.