Check out all the recent developments from AfDB (African Development Bank). Our news includes coverage of major events and activities, details of CARD projects and programs, and CARD engagement with its stakeholders.


About AfDB

The African Development Bank is the Group’s parent organization. The Agreement establishing the African Development Bank was adopted and opened for signature at the Khartoum, Sudan, conference on August 4, 1963. It entered into force on September 10, 1964. The Bank began effective operations on July 1, 1966. Its major role is to contribute to the economic and social progress of its regional member countries – individually and collectively.

As of January 1, 1998, the African Development Bank’s authorized capital is subscribed to by 77 member countries made up of 53 independent African countries (regional members) and 24 non-African countries (non-regional members).

Activities supported by AfDB

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Mapping of Rice-related Interventions Matrix

Policy/Institutional Infrastructure Human Resource
Provision of Equipments
and services
Seed 3 4 10 9 2
Fertilizer 1 1 5 8 1
Irrigation/water management 2 11 13 9 3
On-farm technology transfer 1 6 15 13 4
Mechanization 4 5 8 1
Quality Improvement 1 8 10 7 2
Access to market 2 6 12 5 2
Access to credit 3 4 1
Overall policy tools 4 2 3 1

Focal Point Contact


Dr. Martin Fregene

  • Director, Agriculture and Agro-Industry
  • African Development Bank