Check out all the recent developments from AfricaRice (Africa Rice Center). Our news includes coverage of major events and activities, details of CARD projects and programs, and CARD engagement with its stakeholders.


About AfricaRice

The Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) is an autonomous intergovernmental and pan-African research for development organization, working to contribute to poverty alleviation and food security in Africa through research, development and partnership activities aimed at increasing the productivity and profitability of the rice sector in ways that ensure the sustainability of the farming environment. AfricaRice’s membership counts 21 African states from west, central and east Africa. AfricaRice is also one of the 15 international agricultural research centers supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).

Activities supported by AfricaRice

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Mapping of Rice-related Interventions Matrix

Policy/Institutional Infrastructure Human Resource
Provision of Equipments
and services
Seed 3 5 1 4
Fertilizer 1
Irrigation/water management 1 1
On-farm technology transfer 3 2 2
Quality Improvement 1 1 1
Access to market 1 2 1
Access to credit
Overall policy tools
Policy/Institutional Infrastructure Human Resource
Provision of Equipments
and services
Seed AfricaRice (3), Korea RDA (1), USAID (1), IRRI (1), AfricaRice (5), Korea RDA (1), BMGF (1), IRRI (1), USAID (2), GIZ (1), AfricaRice (1), BMGF (1), IRRI (1), AfricaRice (4), Korea RDA (1), BMGF (1), IRRI (1), USAID (1), GIZ (1),
Fertilizer AfDB (1), AfricaRice (1), GAFSP (1), IITA (1),
Irrigation/water management AfDB (1), AfricaRice (1), GAFSP (1), IITA (1), AfDB (1), AfricaRice (1), GAFSP (1), IITA (1),
On-farm technology transfer AfricaRice (3), IFAD (1), GIZ (1), AfDB (1), GAFSP (1), IITA (1), AfricaRice (2), IFAD (1), AfDB (1), GAFSP (1), IITA (1), AfricaRice (2), USAID (1), GIZ (1),
Quality Improvement AfDB (1), AfricaRice (1), GAFSP (1), IITA (1), AfricaRice (1), IFAD (1), AfricaRice (1), IFAD (1),
Access to market AfDB (1), AfricaRice (1), GAFSP (1), IITA (1), AfricaRice (2), IFAD (1), AfDB (1), GAFSP (1), IITA (1), AfricaRice (1), IFAD (1),
Access to credit
Overall policy tools

Latest Activities

Check out all the recent developments activities in AfricaRice


East Africa Rice Conference, May 2021

East Africa Rice Conference (EARC) 2021 was held from 18th to 20th May...

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Focal Point Contact


Dr. Baboucarr Manneh

  • Director General
  • Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice)