Check out all the recent developments from IsDB (Islamic Development Bank). Our news includes coverage of major events and activities, details of CARD projects and programs, and CARD engagement with its stakeholders.


About IsDB

At the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) equips people with the tools they need to build a sustainable future for themselves, their communities and their countries, putting the infrastructure in place to enable them to reach their full potential.
IsDB builds collaborative partnerships between communities and nations, across their 57 member nations. IsDB brings together the public and private sectors as well as with civil societies and the development sector through Public Private Partnerships and other joint projects. IsDB is providing long term sustainable and ethical financing structures to underpin their project investments. In the last two decades, the IsDB has secured an AAA rating, and become the largest global issuer of Sukuk, through which they funds research and training to develop the future of Islamic banking and finance.

Activities supported by IsDB

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Mapping of Rice-related Interventions Matrix

Policy/Institutional Infrastructure Human Resource
Provision of Equipments
and services
Seed 2 3 7 8 3
Fertilizer 1 2 5 9 2
Irrigation/water management 1 9 5 6 1
On-farm technology transfer 1 1 6 4 3
Mechanization 1 1 3 5 1
Quality Improvement 1 5 4 4 1
Access to market 2 5 3 2
Access to credit 2 2 1
Overall policy tools 1 1
Policy/Institutional Infrastructure Human Resource
Provision of Equipments
and services
Seed AfDB (1), BADEA (1), IsDB (2), TSF (1), BADEA (1), IsDB (3), AfDB (1), BADEA (2), IsDB (7), TSF (1), BOAD (1), IsDB (8), AfDB (1), BADEA (3), TSF (1), BOAD (1), IsDB (3),
Fertilizer IsDB (1), IsDB (2), BADEA (1), IsDB (5), BOAD (1), IsDB (9), AfDB (1), BADEA (3), TSF (1), BOAD (1), IsDB (2),
Irrigation/water management IsDB (1), IsDB (9), BADEA (2), BOAD (1), ANADER (1), FAO (1), ONDR (1), BOAD (1), IsDB (5), BADEA (1), ANADER (1), FAO (1), ONDR (1), BADEA (2), IsDB (6), ANADER (1), FAO (1), ONDR (1), IsDB (1),
On-farm technology transfer IsDB (1), IsDB (1), IsDB (6), AfDB (1), BADEA (2), TSF (1), BOAD (1), AfDB (1), BADEA (2), IsDB (4), TSF (1), BOAD (1), IsDB (3),
Mechanization IsDB (1), IsDB (1), BOAD (1), IsDB (3), AfDB (1), BADEA (2), IsDB (5), TSF (1), BOAD (1), (1),
Quality Improvement IsDB (1), AfDB (1), BADEA (2), IsDB (5), TSF (1), BOAD (1), AfDB (1), BADEA (2), IsDB (4), TSF (1), BOAD (1), IsDB (4), BADEA (1), IsDB (1),
Access to market BADEA (1), IsDB (2), IsDB (5), BADEA (2), BOAD (1), BADEA (2), IsDB (3), BOAD (1), BADEA (1), IsDB (2),
Access to credit BADEA (1), IsDB (2), BOAD (1), BADEA (1), IsDB (2), BOAD (1), IsDB (1),
Overall policy tools IsDB (1), IsDB (1),

Focal Point Contact


Dr. Ougfaly Badji

  • Lead Global Food Security Specialist
  • Agriculture, Water Resource & Rural Dev
  • Economic & Social Infrastructure
  • Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)