JICA Tsukuba 2011
JICA Tsukuba Training and Dialogue Program: Workshop on Planning, Implementation and Monitoring of NRDS for SSA, Tsukuba, Japan, 28 August – 30 September 2011
An one-month-long “Workshop on Planning, Implementation, and Monitoring of National Rice Development Strategy (NRDS) for Sub-Sahara African Countries” (J1104066) was organized by JICA Tsukuba International Centre from 28 August to 30 September 2011, in partnership with CARD. 16 delegations from NRDS Taskforce of 16 CARD countries were invited.
The Workshop consist of lectures on varieties of policy issues across rice value chain by distinguished and notable scholars and experts, discussions among the delegates and filed trips in rice production areas, Akita. In addition, an one-week program called ‘Mechanisation Week’ was set up to focus on the mechanisation issues and the participants developed actions plans each. Through the program, the particjooipants shall had opportunities to identify useful approaches and effective strategies to promote the rice production in each country.
The participants developed what-is-called “Common Needs Matrix” (please see below). After the workshop, the participants brought back the matrix to utilise it as a reference for policy dialogue and strategic planning of program/projects through their NRDS process.