Liberia, August 2024

The National Rice Development Strategy (NRDS) Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Kick-Off Meeting (KOM)

The National Rice Development Strategy (NRDS) Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Kick-Off Meeting (KOM) for the baseline data survey was held on August 27, 2024, in the Ministry of Agriculture conference hall Monrovia. The meeting brought together 23 participants representing the public sector, farmer’s unions, development partners, and financial institutions.

The primary objective of the KOM was to brief the task force members on the Coalition for African Rice Development (CARD) monitoring and evaluation framework and to elucidate the methodologies for conducting the baseline survey, which will be crucial for data collection across various indicators. Additionally, the task force members will discuss and reach an agreement on the timing for the Annual Rice Sector Review Meeting (ARSRM).

The NRDS Focal Point opened the meeting by welcoming the participants and emphasizing the significance of accurate monitoring of investments and the overall development of Liberia’s rice sector. He underscored the Government of Liberia’s commitment to advancing the rice sector, recognizing it as a critical staple crop. He also highlighted the substantial annual import bill associated with rice, stressing the importance of boosting domestic production to ensure food security and reduce reliance on imports.

In his remarks, Mr. Ken Fujie, the General Coordinator of the Coalition for African Rice Development (CARD), provided an overview of CARD’s initiatives and the successes achieved during its first phase. He emphasized that the second phase is making significant progress and called on all participants to actively collaborate to achieve the coalition’s overarching goal of doubling rice production in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2030. Mr. Fujie also encouraged the task force members to remain committed to the process of data collection for the monitoring and evaluation, as their contributions are vital to realizing the objective.

During the meeting, the CARD Regional Advisor delivered a comprehensive presentation on the NRDS Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework, outlining the 13 key indicators that will be used to assess progress under the strategy. These indicators are crucial for tracking the effectiveness of various interventions aimed at enhancing rice production and productivity in Liberia.

Following the presentation, the task force members engaged in an in-depth brainstorming session to evaluate the relevance and applicability of the proposed indicators within the Liberian context. After thorough deliberation, the members unanimously agreed to adopt the indicators as developed by CARD, recognizing their importance in providing a structured and consistent approach to monitoring the progress of the NRDS.

Subsequently, the task force initiated a discussion to identify potential sources of data for these indicators. It was observed that data for all the indicators could be sourced internally from existing national systems and institutions. This observation led to the distribution of responsibilities among the task force members for accessing and compiling the necessary data. Each member took on specific roles, ensuring that the data collection process would be streamlined and efficient, with clear accountability for each indicator.

Furthermore, the task force discussed and unanimously adopted July 2025 as the tentative date for conducting the Annual Rice Sector Review Meeting (ARSRM). This decision underscores the importance of maintaining momentum in the implementation of the NRDS and ensuring that the progress made is thoroughly reviewed and assessed in a timely manner.

To achieve this, a detailed next line of action was agreed upon by all participants, signifying that between the conclusion of the one-day meeting and July 2025, specific activities need to be carried out by all stakeholders. These activities include continuous coordination among the various task force members, ongoing data collection, and rigorous analysis to monitor progress against the established indicators. The task force emphasized the necessity of maintaining regular communication among stakeholders to address any emerging challenges promptly and to ensure that the preparations for the ARSRM remain on track.

The meeting also highlighted the importance of aligning these activities with the broader goals of the National Agriculture Development Plan 2024-2030 of the government, ensuring that all efforts contribute to the overarching objective of doubling rice production in Liberia and reducing the import bill on rice.  The commitment shown by the participants during the meeting reflects their collective determination to enhance the rice sector in Liberia, recognizing its critical role in achieving food security, reducing dependency on rice imports, and fostering sustainable agricultural development.

The agreement on the tentative date for the ARSRM and the clear roadmap of activities leading up to it mark a significant milestone in the NRDS implementation process. This coordinated approach will not only ensure the successful execution of the ARSRM but also strengthen the overall governance and accountability mechanisms within the rice sector.

Annual Rice Sector Review Meeting (ARSRM) plan

During the mission, the General Coordinator of the CARD Secretariat, accompanied by a representative from the JICA Liberia field office and the CARD Senior Advisor, paid courtesy calls to the Deputy Ministers of the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI). The purpose of these visits was to brief the ministers on the outcomes of the KOM held the previous day and to solicit their cooperation in the task force’s data collection efforts and the organization of the upcoming Annual Rice Sector Review Meeting (ARSRM).

The General Coordinator emphasized that the ARSRM presents a critical opportunity to engage with a broader range of stakeholders in the rice sector, with the objective of sharing challenges, identifying gaps, and soliciting targeted interventions. He underscored the importance of ministerial support in ensuring that the data collection process is thorough and that the ARSRM is well-prepared and effectively executed.

In response, the Deputy Ministers pledged their full support for both the baseline data survey exercise and the preparations for the ARSRM. They acknowledged the importance of these initiatives in advancing Liberia’s rice sector and expressed their commitment to working closely with the CARD Secretariat and other stakeholders to achieve the goals set forth by the NRDS.

The mission’s successful engagement with key government ministries and development partners marked an important step forward in building the necessary alliances to support the NRDS and ensure the success of the ARSRM. The shared commitment to these initiatives reflects a unified approach to overcoming the challenges facing Liberia’s rice sector and achieving the ambitious goals of the CARD initiative.


Taskforce members


Meeting with World Bank in Monrovia