Agricultural Sector Development Support Programme (ASDSP II)

To contribute to the Transformation of crop, livestock and fisheries production into commercially oriented enterprises that ensure sustainable food and nutrition security in Kenya



PROJECT PERIOD July 2017 - June 2022

PROJECT SITE Whole country

Implementing agencies, partners, and budget (USD)

# Agency / Partner Budget
1 Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, and Irrigation
2 EU

Project scheme and budget (USD)

Project budget (USD) Rice component share (%) Rice component budget (USD)
Technical Assistance 0 0 0
Grant 0 0 0
Loan 53,200,000.00 0 0
Governmental 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0
Total 53,200,000.00 - 0
Project Goal

To contribute to the Transformation of crop, livestock and fisheries production into commercially oriented enterprises that ensure sustainable food and nutrition security in Kenya

Project Objectives

To develop sustainable priority value chains for improved income, food and nutrition security

Project Outputs

Productivity of priority value chains increased

Entrepreneurial skills of priority value chain actors strengthened

Access to markets by priority value chain actors improved

Structures and capacities for consultation, collaboration, cooperation and coordination in the sector strengthened

Project activities

Environmentally resilient

Stimulating economic environments

Effective sector transformation at the national, intergovernmental, cross-country and coutry levels


Direct Beneficiaries
# Beneficiary Number
1 Priority Value Chain Actors (PVCAs) 500000
Indirect Beneficiaries
# Beneficiary Number
1 Households 3000000

RICE Approach: Areas of contribution by the project

Resilience Industrialization Competitiveness Empowerment
R1: Area under irrigation
I1: Capacity of industrial mills
C1: Share of local rice
E1: Access to financial services
R2: Quantity of resilient seeds
I2: Mechanization ratio
C2: Quantity of high-yielding seeds
E2: Access to technical services


Policy / Institutional Infrastructure Human Resource Capacity Provision of Equipments or services Knowledge / Research
Irrigation / water management
On-farm technology transfer
Quality Improvement
Access to market
Access to credit
Overall policy tools





Climate Change

Food system

Project challenges

Limited inter-country coordination

Delay in GOK release of funds

Delay of country partners committed resources for the implementation of the Project

Challenges arising from the devolution process

Contact (implementing agency)


Project Notes

Luombwa scheme