Liberia Agribusiness Development Activities (LADA)

To increase incomes of smallholder farmers and entrepreneurs throughout Liberia



PROJECT PERIOD January 2015 - December 2020

PROJECT SITE Bong, Lofa, Montserrado, Nimba

Implementing agencies, partners, and budget (USD)

# Agency / Partner Budget
1 Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA)
2 Enclude
3 Business Start-Up Center Monrovia’s network
4 The Global Cold Chain Alliance
5 USAID 19,300,000.00

Project scheme and budget (USD)

Project budget (USD) Rice component share (%) Rice component budget (USD)
Technical Assistance 0 0 0
Grant 19,300,000.00 0 0
Loan 0 0 0
Governmental 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0
Total 19,300,000.00 - 0
Project Goal

To increase incomes of smallholder farmers and entrepreneurs throughout Liberia

Project Objectives

To increase private sector investment in agricultural input systems, post-harvest handling, transport, and processing activities

To strengthen the market environment with information, advocacy, and support

To select appropriate agribusinesses, sustainable and transparent cooperatives

To provide specialized trainings and certifications

To catalyze the extension of credit to agro-dealers

To make better-informed decisions for production, processing, and marketing processes

Project Outputs

Identification of agro-delars and aggregators to direct improved inputs and tailored technical assistance toward supporting increased incomes for smallholder farmers

Support private sector investment in post-harvest process to marketing

Procurement of a large-capacity rice mills, a generators, tractors and a power tillers

Rehabilitation of warehouses

Trainings for agro-delters

Project activities

Linking Markets Through Private Sector Engagement

Training and Capacity Building

Financial Management

Increasing Access to Market Information and Digital Financial Services

Youth, Gender and Social Capital


Direct Beneficiaries
# Beneficiary Number
1 Farmers trained 20000
Indirect Beneficiaries
# Beneficiary Number

RICE Approach: Areas of contribution by the project

Resilience Industrialization Competitiveness Empowerment
R1: Area under irrigation
I1: Capacity of industrial mills
C1: Share of local rice
E1: Access to financial services
R2: Quantity of resilient seeds
I2: Mechanization ratio
C2: Quantity of high-yielding seeds
E2: Access to technical services


Policy / Institutional Infrastructure Human Resource Capacity Provision of Equipments or services Knowledge / Research
Irrigation / water management
On-farm technology transfer
Quality Improvement
Access to market
Access to credit
Overall policy tools





Climate Change

Food system