Rice Value Chain Intensification and Promotion Program

COUNTRY/REC Mozambique


PROJECT PERIOD January 2020 - December 2024

PROJECT SITE Alto Molocue, Bilene Macia, Buzi, Caia, Chemba, Cheringoma, Chibabava, Chibuto, Chicualacuala, Chigubo, Chinde, Chókwè, Dondo, Gilé, Gorongosa, Guijá, Gurué, Ile, Inhassunge, Lugela, Mabalane, Machanga, Maganja da Costa, Manjacaze, Maputo, Maringué, Marromeu, Massangena, Massingir, Milange, Mocuba, Mopeia, Morrumbala, Muanza, Namacurra, Namarroi, Nampula, Nhamatanda, Nicoadala, Pebane, Xai-Xai

Implementing agencies, partners, and budget (USD)

# Agency / Partner Budget
2 Government of Mozambique 31,763,077.00

Project scheme and budget (USD)

Project budget (USD) Rice component share (%) Rice component budget (USD)
Technical Assistance 0 0 0
Grant 0 0 0
Loan 0 0 0
Governmental 31,763,077.00 100 31,763,077.00
Other 0 0 0
Total 31,763,077.00 - 31,763,077.00

Project Objectives

Increase production from 385,000 tons to about 537,000

Project activities



Farmers Association and Cooperatives

RICE Approach: Areas of contribution by the project

Resilience Industrialization Competitiveness Empowerment
R1: Area under irrigation
I1: Capacity of industrial mills
C1: Share of local rice
E1: Access to financial services
R2: Quantity of resilient seeds
I2: Mechanization ratio
C2: Quantity of high-yielding seeds
E2: Access to technical services


Policy / Institutional Infrastructure Human Resource Capacity Provision of Equipments or services Knowledge / Research
Irrigation / water management
On-farm technology transfer
Quality Improvement
Access to market
Access to credit
Overall policy tools