Maputo, Mozambique in June 2024


Mozambique is a member of the first group of the CARD Initiative since 2008. In 2022, the Government of Mozambique revised its NRDS (2022- 2030) to align it with the guidelines provided by CARD for Phase 2 along with the new Strategic Plan for the Development of Agricultural Sector (PEDSA, 2030). With the new NRDS in place, the Task Force (TF) developed or revised new concept notes and started contacts with Development Partners for financial support. In 2023 the Task Force commissioned the Baseline Study for Monitoring and Evaluation of NRDS2 indicators with financial and technical support from JICA and CARD Secretariat. In April 2024, the Task Force organized the Annual Rice Sector Review Meeting (ARSRM) to reflect on the challenges and good practices of the rice subsector in the 2022/23 agricultural season across the entire rice value chain and plan for the next season (2023/24).


The visit of the General Coordinator was to reiterate the commitment of CARD to the implementation of NRDS2 and call for more coordination of efforts and investments in the rice value chain. This mission served also to a better understanding of how the different partners participate in the rice sector in Mozambique, to understand the main constraints to rice production in the country from the perspective of the different partners as well as to understand Mozambique’s expectations of CARD and Development Partners.


The visit consisted of contacts with NRDS Task Force members based in Maputo, Government Institutions, Development Partners, and South-South Cooperation as summarized below.

Meeting with the NRDS Task Force

Detailed information on the organizational structure of TF at the central and Provincial levels including its modus operandi was provided. NRDS performance indicators (harvested area, production, yield, and self-sufficiency) were presented including good practices in rice production in Gaza, Sofala, and Zambezia provinces; New Projects after the commencement of CARD Phase 2 were also shared. The TF recognized the technical and financial support provided by CARD for the organization of Working Weeks and Annual Rice Sector Review Meetings.

Meetings with the National Directorate for the Promotion of Commercial Agriculture (DNPAC) and the Directorate of Cooperation and Markets (DCM)

The two Directorates emphasized the need for streamlining all rice development initiatives within an integrated rice value chain. Currently, there is a joint effort involving some partners such as the World Bank, GTZ, USAID, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of Industry and Trade in the development of a “one-stop center” to facilitate investment processes in the agricultural sector and suggested that rice could take benefit of this initiative to improve coordination, ensure complementarity and avoid duplications.

Meeting with the World Bank

The World Bank showed a continuous interest in supporting the agricultural sector as a whole and the rice value chain, in particular. However, the investments must be aligned with the Government’s priorities. The Task Team Leader (TTL) added that the WB is now funding the development of 3,300 ha of rice-based cropping system; 3,000 ha of horticulture crops and 700 ha of out-grower crop intensification in Manica, Sofala, Zambezia, and Nampula provinces and that the Bank is also engaged in the preparation of 500 million USD for soil health and biodiversity and natural resources management for Mozambique.

Meeting with AGRA

AGRA is supporting the development of the rice value chain in Zambezia and Nampula provinces using the “Village, Based Advisors – VBA” model to ensure that farmers have access to inputs at affordable prices.  AGRA also called attention to the need for the inclusion of youth and women dimensions in future programs to explore their innovative potential in the agricultural sector.

Meeting with the Ambassador of Brazil and the President of the National Federation of Agricultural Associations (FENAGRI)

The Ambassador of Brazil gave an overview of the cooperation with Mozambique and informed that the Embassy in collaboration with EMBRAPA, the University of Santa Maria, and the Brazil-Africa Chamber of Agriculture, Livestock, and Technology (CBAA) is in the process of organizing a Conference on rice self-sufficiency in Mozambique in August 2024 with involvement of representatives from Brazil including the private sector, research institutions among others. The President of FENAGRI informed that his institution in coordination with the Confederation of Economic Associations (CTA) and the Ministry of Finance is working in an attempt to convert the current tax of 7.5 % paid in rice importation to be used to finance rice promotion activities.

Meeting with FAO

FAO is working in the provinces of Nampula and Zambezia in seed production, agribusiness through an e-voucher system, and provision of equipment for the seed laboratory in Zambezia province. FAO also is working with IRRI on the establishment of Farmer’s Fields Schools and the introduction of small-scale mechanization affordable to small-scale farmers.

Meeting with the Agriculture and Rural Development Inspectorate (MADER)

The Inspector reiterated the need for a more coordinated effort between the stakeholders in the rice value chain and the need to bring more visibility to the actions being promoted by CARD. The Inspector also added that there is a need to bring all stakeholders and reinforce cooperation among them under the same platform (NRDS).

Meeting with African Development Bank

The AfDB also reiterated its interest in continuing to support the agricultural sector and rice in particular. The Coordinator of the Agricultural Programs took the opportunity to inform the visitors that the Bank is in the process of finalizing a USD 25 million rice value chain Project for the provinces of Gaza, Nampula, Sofala, and Zambezia and that the Project puts a considerable emphasis on research and extension as well as on Infrastructures for irrigation.

Meeting with JICA

The Deputy Resident Representative of JICA in Mozambique welcomed the visit and explained the ongoing preparation of a value chain survey aiming at providing advice for the preparation of a long-term project based on the lessons learned from the previous Project implemented in the Zambezia province (ProAPA). The meeting also served to brief the JICA Office on the findings of the contacts made with several institutions in Maputo. On this occasion, the CARD General Coordinator indicated the need to reinforce the Private Sector participation in the rice industry. He also recognized that unlike in West African countries, where upland rice is the global appanage for rice cultivation, in Mozambique rice is mostly grown in lowland ecosystems associated with river streams in the deltaic water regimes. Therefore, land preparation including leveling and bundling are important aspects to increase productivity and stabilize rice production in the country. In closing remarks, JICA reiterated its availability for continuous support for the rice value chain in Mozambique.


Way Forward

The visit of the General Coordinator apart from reiterating the commitment of CARD towards the promotion of the implementation of NRDS2, the mission served to encourage all stakeholders to put more effort into the development of the rice value chain in Mozambique. Proposed follow-up actions emerging from the visit are as follows:

No Actions Timeline Responsibility
1 Sharing of the updated draft of the Project 5-Jul-24 AfDB
2 Preparation of narratives for selected CN 8-12 July, 2024 FP, TF, and partners
3 Produce a matrix of actions to be followed up as a result of the visit of CARD-GC to MOZ 5-Jul-24 FP, TF
4 Streamline FENAGRI initiatives with NRDS2 on self-sufficiency of rice TF-FENAGRI



Ministry of Agriculture with Task Force


Meeting with AGRA at Mozambique office


Directorate of Commercial Agriculture MADER (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development)


Meeting Inspector at MADER


Meeting with FAO


Meeting with Ambassador of Brazil to Mozambique