Congo Republic, September 2019
The Second working week on NRDS development in the Republic of the Congo
Following the agreed roadmap for Congo NRDS development, the second working week was organized from 02 to 06 September 2019 in Brazzaville. Thus, the NRDS task force carried out: (i) identification of Challenges and Issues, with regard to the results of the SWOT analysis, as well as the activities necessary to address these challenges; (ii) establishment of the Intervention Matrix (SIEM) along the Rice value chain, in accordance with the Challenges and Issues identified; (iii) gap analysis and identification of priority areas and activities. After these exercises, iteratively, the Task Force re-examined the fundamental question: “Why a rice development strategy for Congo?”, a characterization of Congo’s rice development model was conducted, leading to the identification of 8 rice development poles, considering that the actions recommended for the strong re-launching of rice sector cannot be done on all the potential rice-growing land in Congo. These are the poles: Ewo, Kindamba, Mossendjo, Loudima, Mokeko, Ngo, Oyo, and the Pointe Noire pole. Task Force members formulated Congo Rice Development Vision as follows: “By 2030, Congo’s rice consumption will be covered in a sustainable way, with competitive rice farming that contributes to the expansion of national economy”. NRDS Overall objective and specific objectives were also defined in line with the Vision and taking into account the results of SWOT analyses, strategic gaps, and priorities along the rice value chain.
Key findings and results
At the end of this second working week, the main conclusions and results are as follows:
- The challenges and issues of the Congo rice sector have been identified.
- The main elements of the logical framework (Vision, global and specific objectives) for Congo’s rice sector development have been clearly formulated.
- Eight (8) rice development poles have been identified for the medium-term relaunch of Congo’s rice production.
- Organization and arrangements for starting NRDS writing have been made.
- The capacity of national managers within the Task Force is strengthened, and national ownership of the NRDS development process is strengthened.