Mozambique, September 2023

Working Week for developing Concept Notes for NRDS2 in Mozambique


The National Rice Development Strategy NRDS was revised in October 2022 in order to adjust it to the new directives of Mozambique’s Strategic Plan for the Development of the Agricultural Sector PEDSA 2031 and to the new approach of the Coalition for African Rice Development in its Phase 2.  The revised National Rice Program aims to address the various challenges and constraints faced by the rice sub-sector, providing a matrix for the coordinated advancement of the rice value chain in the country.

Following the approval of the National Rice Development Strategy by the Government of Mozambique, a working week was held from 4 to 8 September 2023 in Chokwe District, Gaza Province with the objective of reviewing the existing concept notes and formulate new ones in order to adjust them to the priorities of the revised National Rice Program.


The workshop was chaired by the National Director for the Development of Small-scale Agriculture and was attended by 21 participants from the public and private sectors namely: The National Directorate for the Development of Small-Scale Farmers (DNDF), Mozambique Agriculture Research Institute (IIAM), National Institute of Irrigation (INIR), Low Limpopo Irrigation Authority (RBL), Agricultural Promotion Fund and Rural Extension (FAR, FP), National Directorate for Commercial Agriculture (DNAC), Directorate of Planning and Policy (DPP), Seed Production Association of Lionde (APROSEL), Provincial Services of Economic Activities of Gaza Province (SPAE), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and, Inácio de Sousa (Rice Milling Factory),

Following opening remarks by the National Director for the Development of Small-scale Agriculture, the NRDS Focal Point person presented the welcoming remarks. After the opening ceremony, the Regional Consultant refreshed the participants about the process of formulation of Project Concept Notes using the Excel Information Sheet of Concept Notes based on SIEM and the RICE  approach for the CARD Phase 2 and guided them on the identification of priority themes emerging from the revised NRDS. Five breakout groups were also organized to discuss specific issues including a) Seed and Fertilizer, b) Mechanization, c) Irrigation/Water management, d) Research and Extension, and e) Post Harvest. At the end of each working day, the five groups assembled together to assess the progress achieved in the elaboration of the proposals of the concept notes in different thematic areas.

Key Outputs/Results

During the working week, the NRDS Task Force revised the existing concept notes and formulated new concept notes based on the new NRDS. At the end of the workshop, the participants came up with a total of five concept notes covering the main priorities of the NRDS as shown in the table below.

Proposed Concept Notes
Priority area Proposed Concept Notes
1. Research & Extension 1.1. Development of high-yielding rice varieties adaptable to irrigated and rainfed lowland ecosystems
1.2. Production of pre-basic and basic seed and maintenance of released varieties
1.3. Dissemination of improved rice production technologies
2. Seed & Fertilizers


2.1. Promotion of availability and use of certified seed and specific fertilizers for rice
2.2. Improvement of capacity for seed quality control
2.3. Establishment of the rice seed information system
2.4. Promotion of periodic soil analysis
3. Mechanization 3.1. Promotion of credit facilities to improve access to agricultural equipment
3.2. Promotion of training of machine operators, machinery park managers, and craftsmen in agricultural mechanization
3.3. Revitalization of existing and creation of new agricultural machinery parks
4. Irrigation/water management 4.1. Maintenance of irrigation infrastructure for small-scale farmers
4.2. Rehabilitation of existing irrigation schemes
5. Pos-harvest 5.1. Policy advocacy to induce reforms in the rice value chain
5.2. Elaboration of technical standards for rice
5.3. Promotion of production of Parboiled Rice


Way forward

The drafts of Concept Notes elaborated during the workshop will be submitted for comments and consideration by the Consultative Council of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Following this, the Concept Notes will be shared with potential donors to seek financial support. The Concept Notes will also be presented at the Annual Rice Sector Review Meeting that is expected to take place in November 2023 for awareness of the rice value chain stakeholders.


Plenary session


Breakout session


Breakout session


Presentation of progress of daily activities


Presentation of progress of daily activities


Presentation of progress of daily activities