SC 19 meeting, July 2023

The 19th CARD Steering Committee Meeting was held at Sofitel Abidjan Hotel Ivoire in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire on 3rd July 2023. Co-chaired by Dr. Baboucarr Manneh of AfricaRice in the morning session and Mr. Shinjiro Amameishi of JICA in the afternoon session. The meeting was attended by the representatives of AATF (African Agricultural Technology Foundation),  AfricaRice, AfDB (Africa Development Bank), AGRA (Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa), FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), FARA (Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa Forum), IFAD (International Fund for Agriculture Development, IRRI (International Rice Research Institute), JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency, JIRCAS (Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences), WFP (World Food Program), EAC (The East African Community Secretariat), ECOWAS (The Commission of Economic Community of West African States) and SADC (The Southern African Development Community).

  1. To share the progress made by CARD and its steering committee members in CARD member countries during the past year.
  2. To review and endorse the work plan for CARD for 2023/2024.
  1. CARD Progress
  2. Key points to be covered in GM9
  3. Rice related activities by SC members
  4. CARD M&E
  5. Schedule of future CARD meetings


Time Item Presenter
9:00-9:05 Opening remarks Co-chair (AfricaRice)
9:05-9:15 Recap of discussions in SC18 CARD Secretariat
9:15-9:35 CARD Progress [PDF] CARD Secretariat
9:35-10:20 Key points to be covered in GM9 CARD Secretariat
i) Continuous support to the CARD member countries in NRDS implementation SC members
ii) Continuous support to relevant stakeholders for regional strategy development/implementation led by RECs
iii) Good practices of Industrialization through private sector engagement
iv) M&E Framework for CARD Phase 2
11:00-12:30 Rice related activities by SC members
Highlight of AATF Rice Activities [PDF] AATF
Structural Transformation of the Rice Sector in West Africa [PDF] AfDB
Rice Development Actions [PDF] FARA
Selected IFAD investments in rice [PDF] IFAD
13:30-15:00 Rice related activities by SC members
Update from JICA’s support in CARD member countries [PDF] JICA
Provision of science-based evidence and technologies [PDF] JIRCAS
Update 2023 World Food Programme [PDF] WFP
15:00-15:45 CARD M&E [PDF] CARD Secretariat
15:45-16:00 Schedule of future CARD meetings CARD Secretariat
16:00-16:15 Closing remarks JICA