GM 7 meeting, October 2018


The Seventh General Meeting of the Coalition for African Rice Development (CARD) was convened in Tokyo, Japan on 2 – 4 Oct 2018.

Agenda 1: Overview of CARD and Rice Sector in Africa
Document Presenter Presentation
Introduction on CARD and GM7 CARD Secretariat PDF (English / FrenchPortuguese)
Trends in rice production and consumption during the CARD period 2008-2018 Dr. Harold Roy-Macauley, AfricaRice PDF (English / FrenchPortuguese)
Towards Rice Green Revolution in Africa-Yield increase in the past and future Prof. Keijiro Otsuka, Kobe University PDF (English / FrenchPortuguese)
Agenda 2: Review of the 1st Phase of CARD
Results of final evaluation on CARD – Progress, Lessons and Remaining Challenges CARD Secretariat PDF (English / FrenchPortuguese)
Country experiences on CARD 
Madagascar’s Presentation on CARD Mr. Willy Rakotomalala, MPAE PDF (English / FrenchPortuguese)
Kenya’s experiences with CARD Ms. Jane Ndungu, MoALFI PDF (English / FrenchPortuguese)
Mali’s Presentation Mr. Demba Diallo, OPV PDF (English / FrenchPortuguese)
Observations by SC member organizations
FAO Mr. Bukar Tijani, FAO PDF (English / FrenchPortuguese)
JIRCAS Dr. Masa Iwanaga, JIRCAS PDF (English / FrenchPortuguese)
A case of South-South Cooperation
Extension Capacity Development for Rice Food Security in Africa Dr. Teodora Briones, PhilRice PDF (English / FrenchPortuguese)


Session 1: Support Policies for Rice Sector Development

Document Presenter Presentation
Pricing Policies – Input Subsidy and Price Stabilization Dr. Shahidur Rashid, IFPRI PDF (English / FrenchPortuguese)
Regional and Country Trade Policies – Regional Rice Market in Western Africa Mr. Thierry Mutombo Kalonji, COMESA PDF (English / French)
Status of Agricultural Financing in Africa Mr. Saleh Usman Gashua, AFRACA PDF (English / FrenchPortuguese )
Land Policy and Maximizing Finance for Development Dr. Chris Brett, World Bank PDF (English / FrenchPortuguese)


Session 2: Promotion of Private Investment

Document Presenter Presentation
Rice in Africa – Private Sector Perspective Mr. Van Odijk, Grow Africa PDF (English / FrenchPortuguese)
Pilot Public Private Partnership in Rice Production – West African Rice Corridors Mr. Njack Kane, Intervalle Geneva S.A. PDF (English / FrenchPortuguese)
Private Investment in African Agriculture – Fertilizer Production in Kenya Mr. Kentaro Yoneda, Toyota Tsusho Fertilizer Africa Ltd. PDF (English FrenchPortuguese)
Responsible Agricultural Investment Ms. Asuka Okumura, World Bank PDF (English / FrenchPortuguese)
Promotion of Private Investment in Ivorian Rice Sector Mr. Christian Kouame-bi, ONDR PDF (English / FrenchPortuguese)
Government for Increased Private Sector Investment in Rice Sector in Nigeria Dr. Fatima Aliyu, FMARD PDF (English / FrenchPortuguese)


Agenda 3: Preparation for the CARD 2nd Phase

Document Presenter Presentation
Framework and the General Plan for Activities in the CARD second phase CARD Secretariat PDF (English / FrenchPortuguese)